Your vehicle needs attention. More specifically, the rear differential needs work. Should you choose differential replacement or repair? This depends on several factors. Let’s take a look at what you should consider. Signs of a bad differential A differential consists of internal gears and bearings. If it’s not working properly, you may need gear replacement or other repairs. The first thing you need to know is what to look for to determine if your differential is having issues. Watch for the following signs: Whirring noises when you decelerate Whining noises when you accelerate Whirring noises that change when you turn... View Article
Modern vehicles rely on computers and electrical components for a variety of vital functions. From transferring power to the engine to operating windows and headlights, it’s crucial for your car’s electrical components to be working properly. When these parts don’t work properly, your vehicle could drive poorly or not at all. Here are the leading signs that you need auto electric repair. Faulty battery This is still the most common electrical problem that drivers face. You put the key in the ignition, but the engine won’t turn on. If you can still use the lights and the other accessories, it... View Article
A good general rule of thumb is that brake pad replacement needs to be done once every 25,000 to 65,000 miles. Brake rotors should be changed every 30,000 to 70,000 miles. When precisely these parts need to be changed depends on driving habits and conditions. Typically, cars begin to show signs that these brake parts are wearing down. Here are our leading signs that your car is likely to need brake repair. Vibration when braking If the car vibrates whenever you come to a stop, you should bring the vehicle to a brake specialist. One common cause of this is... View Article
A vehicle’s electrical system plays a crucial role in every car. Without all of the complex wires running throughout your car, your engine might not start up, you might not have headlights and your radio might not turn on. A car’s wiring is designed to last for the long haul, but issues can occur leading to a malfunction. One of the more common wiring malfunctions is a short circuit. Keep reading to learn about symptoms of an electrical short in your and what you can do to locate the short. Signs of a short A short circuit (or short) occurs... View Article
You know that a speedometer measures your engine’s speed, and an odometer tells you how many miles you’ve driven—but there’s another gauge on your dashboard that you might not be as familiar with: the tachometer (or tach). This post will cover everything you need to know about tachs, including how a mechanical tachometer works and if they’re even needed nowadays. What is a tachometer used for? A tachometer measures an engine’s rotational speed and gives us a readout in revolutions per minute (rpm). The higher the meter reads, the faster your engine is rotating. This can be helpful for those... View Article