Every car part has its job to do to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely. There are parts under the hood working together to make the engine run, and you’ve got a braking system, fuel system and electrical components. Another piece to the puzzle is the blower motor. The blower motor is an important part of your vehicle’s air conditioning and heating system, as it allows you to control the temperature inside the cabin. While you can drive your car in the winter without a heater, and in the summer without the AC, a comfortable cabin temperature is definitely... View Article
There’s no better feeling than a cold blast of air from your car’s air conditioner after trudging through a hot parking lot. The sweet feeling of relief is taken for granted until, one day, you turn on the AC only to be greeted by no air at all. Instead, you are met with the unfortunate realization that the AC has finally gone out. Could you have seen this coming? The answer is yes. There are usually several warning signs indicating the car’s air conditioning system is beginning to fail. Contact an auto repair shop in Everett, WA as soon as... View Article
There’s nothing more frustrating than tearing apart your entire car with the goal of fixing a problem yourself, only to discover that the repair is beyond your skills. Unfortunately, this is a situation many well-intentioned do-it-yourself enthusiasts face. Sure, some fixes can easily be completed in your garage or driveway, but others require the training and expertise of a professional auto repair shop in Everett, WA. Trying to fix the issue on your own could require additional repairs or even cause irreversible damage to the car. The key is being able to recognize when the job is too complicated to... View Article
There are few better feelings than hitting the open road with your windows down on a beautiful summer’s day, especially if it’s to travel across the country on a road trip with friends or family. However, the heat of the summer can be hard on your engine, especially if you’re spending a lot of time on the road during a given period. Therefore, it’s important to know how to prevent your engine from overheating, or how to stop it from overheating if you notice the temperature gauge readings starting to get a bit out of hand. Here are some tips... View Article
One of the most important parts of keeping your vehicle running well for years to come is staying on top of your scheduled maintenance services. It’s easy to get behind on this vehicle maintenance—after all, we get busy, and there are other things in our lives that take precedent over car care. This is understandable. But the longer you let your vehicle maintenance slide, the more likely it is that you’ll have to eventually make some expensive repairs that would have otherwise been unnecessary. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should make regular appointments with your... View Article